'Study to show thyself
approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth.' 2Tim 2v15 |
Bible Text
- Open up the Bible
in a window so that you can refer to it as you surf.
- On-Line Bible homepage -
Provides access to latest updates for on-line Bible and other information such as
commentaries and word studies.
- Vines expository Dictionary
- Blue
Letter Bible - online Bible (KJV 1611 Version only), that includes
commentaries, and strongs definitions of the hebrew and greek words (Great for studying.)
- Linked Word
Project - based on Strongs numbering
- eSword -
downloadable Study Bible with dictionaries, commentaries etc.
- Lidel-Scott Greek Dictionary
Search on-line for original Greek words
- Biblical
Studies Foundation - general resource, interesting information about Greek and Hebrew
- New
Testament Gateway - very comprehensive site covering Greek NT from Birmingham
- The Sword Project." http://www.crosswire.org/ Bible software available for Windows,
and various Unix variants, that supports the downloading of about 20+ various Bible texts,
15+ Lexicons/Bible Dictionaries, and 15+ Commentaries all for free. The software is robust
and completely free (even the source code is freely available.)
- Have you got a Palm computer? Did you know you can download
the Bible (KJV) for free at Olivetree or from Skimware.com
Commentaries & Publications